Student Solution


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Week 8 Reading Discussion 7


Q Reading Discussion 7 (Things Fall Apart, Chapters 1-4) By Thursday, March 25, at 11:59PM, address: 1. What is one tension established in these chapters—between characters, between clans, between characters and nature, or characters and gods, or characters and themselves? Pick one quote to support the tension you present. Please read previous posts to ensure you do not pick a quote that has already been picked. 2. The characters in Umuofia have their own chis, personal gods, and other personal mythologies are presented in these chapters. Interpreted however you like, share with us some piece of your own personal mythology. (Some ideas: What's an animal, plant, place, or food/crop, art form or other discipline, activity, etc. that is central to your being--or that seems, maybe mysteriously, significant to who you are? If you feel comfortable sharing, is there a complex generational divide/difference or connection/similarity in your life, as described in the story (between father and son, especially?). Provide a link to--or embed--a picture as an illustration. 3. Finally, as usual, respond to two others' posts by Sunday, March 28, at 11:59PM.

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Conflict is at the centre of this particular novel Things Fall Apart. It starts with the idea of traditional society of Umuofia standing in sharp contrast with the new customs promoted by the